Thursday, July 4, 2019

What is SEO On Page | SEO ON page Techniques

How does SEO work?SEO - Topics

  •  What is SEO? 
  • Search Engine works, Updates of search engine       
  • On Page Optimization 
  • OffPage Optimization 

1. What is SEO?
SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting

traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.

SEO is a Collection Directive Methods, Techniques, which are designed by the search engines in the form of guidelines. By the help of these guidelines, we can optimize the Entire Site Structure and Content.

What is Search Engines?
Search engine is algorithm or  program that searches for and identifies website/webpages  in   a   database  that  correspond  to  keywords   or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on 

the World Wide Web.

What is a keyword?

Keyword nothing but a word or phrase is called keyword. Every search term which is related to our business they are call key words. Which was we are targeting it is called targeting Keyword.

Why do seo?

Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the 3 major commercial search engines that drive the majority of webtraffic. If your site is not structured properly for SEO then it will not be easily found by the searchengines, but more importantly your content may not be indexed well.

Why companies need SEO?

    Branding Purpose

    SEO Keeps You From Missing Out On Free Advertising

    SEO Leverages Social Sharing

    SEO Will Help People Find Your Website

    SEO Builds Trust & Credibility

    SEO Attracts Relevant Traffic With High Conversion Potential

    SEO Is Measurable Marketing

    SEO Is Cost Effective
    SEO Is Not A Cost But An Investment

    SEO Isn’t Icing On The Cake – It’s An Important Ingredient

    Your competitors are doing it

    Not having a healthy content profile is damaging

    It is not going to stop working any time soon

2.How search engine works?

About Google:

How search engine works?



3. Search engines follow links from page to page.

4. Search engines sort the pages by their content and other factors.

5. Algorithms are used for TO DELIVER THE BEST RESULTS POSSIBLE.

6.ALGORITHMS get to work looking for clues to better understand what
user means.

Spelling, Autocomplete, Search methods, Synonyms, Query Understanding, Google Instant(search results below the drop-down.)

7. Based on clues search engine pull relevant documents from the index. Search engine ranks the results. In (200 Factors)

Safe Search- >User Context- >Translation - >universal Search

 8. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing. These changes begin as ideas in the minds of our engineers. They take these ideas and run experiments, analyze the results, tweak them, and run them again and again.

9.Search engine Fights with Spam TO KEEP YOUR RESULTS RELEVANT 24*7 

If Search engine finds spam, they take manual ACTION also.

  • When user enter the search term
  • Based on search term algorithm searches the web sites.
  • When relevant websites are matched then it shows on SERP’s (Search engine Result pages)
  • Based on relevant content and keyword stuff website position will fixed.
  • Google Search Engine Works:

  SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query.
Find the right keywords: Research your industry and find the keywords that identify your business. The keywords you target determine how Google (and other search engines) rank your website and how much traffic you bring in.
Use those keywords in your website’s URL: One of the best ways to optimize your website is to incorporate keywords in your site URL.
Search engines go through each line of text in your website to understand what it’s about. From your website URL to the content on your web pages, everything is analyzed and indexed by the search engines.
Use keywords in Title tags, Meta descriptions, and Heading tags: Title tags are the name of a web page. When you open an internet browser, the text you see right on top of the dialog box is the Title tag. These are the links that show up in search engines. It’s the hyperlink that people click on.

3.On Page SEO Means:

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in Search Engines..

On Page Techniques:

1.   Title Tag Optimization:

2.   Header Tags

3.   Meta keywords

4.   Internal links

5.   Meta Description

6.   Image Optimization

7.   Url Optimization
8.   Content optimization

9.   Social Networking Buttons

10. Meta GEO Tag

1.Title tag:

It gives the overall concept of web page for that we are placing the main keyword in Title.

Format of title tag:

“Main Keyword / Secondary Keyword - Brand Name”

In This Title tag we have to place 50 -60 characters. Why because google
typically shows the 50-60 char only and it fit in 512 pixels only.

This title will display in three places Browser, Search Engine results page and external website.

2.Header Tag optimization:

In this we have to check the how many

tags are having in each page. If more than one tag in a single page then we have change the as

Why we have to do header tag optimization:

> SE views it mostly when indexing a web page.

> It is essential for the site visitors.

> In H1 Tag we plays the Major Business keyword.

> All Remaining Header tags are must be related with H1 Tag.

3.URL Optimization:

    In this we create Clear & User Friendly Url.

     When we create Clear Url it displays in SERP’s

     This will increase the Percentage of Clicks.

     If CTR Is high google treated “user behaviour” and it promote the Page up the ranking.

    Structure: http://www
    A seo friendly termed as permalink

    If url is satisfies the the following points then it to be said as permalin:

    It must have keyword

    Must have least number of slashes.

    No Special Characters.

    Spaces Not Allowed.

4.Meta Description:

Meta Description is not much important to Search Engine (SE) But it is Important to gain Users Clicks. This meta description tag provides the overall description of that page.

In this Tag we write the 155 -160 characters of content. This content will 

display in the SERP’s

In this Description Tag we write the main keyword.

5.Meta Keywords:

In this meta keywords placing the all keywords which was related to that page each keyword separated with ,(commas).

This keywords are intimating to search engine this content is related to this words.

6.Content Optimization:

A unique content plays the major role in SEO in this context we have to place the keyword “3 to 4“ %.

In First Pera we required Primary Keyword of that Page.

And Also we have highlight the some important words in this 1:4 ratio format we have to highlight 4 common words and 1 Main Keyword.

7.Internal Linking:

Every web page must an internal link of another page our website. If possible we to place the keyword in the internal linking term.

Imp: Remove the broken links.

8.Image optimization:

In this we are placing the our business keyword in “alt” tag.

9.Meta GEO Tag:

It is newly added in SEO. It is used for targeting visitors from a specific location.


 Content related video It get some more benefit. By using video tag we can increase the page session.

11.Social Networking Buttons

Placing Social Bookmarking icons is also benefit. It Give more sharing of our webpage/content and it increase the views.


4.Off page:

The process of increasing the incoming links from different website is called Off Page.Get link to our site from other website is called back link.

They are two types of back link:

  • Dofollow:(required)
Back links are Directly reference to our site.

  • No Follow:(No use)
No direct reference to our site/ in other words the url is encrypted.


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